Liquid Smudge

I get asked about this the most. The liquid smudge I use is called "Invocation" and is the best I have found on the market. It is made in Quebec, Canada. I liked it so much I contacted the company to buy in bulk (because I use so much) and they asked if I wouldn't mind being the Toronto distributor, so for a while I was the only person who sold it in Toronto which is weird because it smells super yummy, is very effective for moving old energies out, and because it is liquid, it is discreet and can be used in many areas that smoke-smudge could not be used like offices, workplaces, yoga studios, bedrooms, children's playrooms, hotels, conference rooms. Not just for cleaning, it also helps set the intention before a class, a meeting, a presentation, etc. It is good for the sleepless or children with nightmares. It is perfect for traveling, when sleeping in a new environment can be difficult because of all the others' energies left in the room. It is perfect for wherever there is a lot of traffic or where the boundaries are not clear like setting your own space in a cubicle at work so people have an unconscious sense to back off of your space. It is also used for invoking a blessing into a new home, new renovation, new workspace, a new business venture, or even a new life!

Invocation is made by an indigenous medicine man named Luc Bourgault in the forests of Quebec from natural ingredients. It takes months to create one batch in a labour-intensive process that involves not only the physical creation but a traditional indigenous invocation to bless the smudge itself. I guess that is where the name comes from. He told me that after years of training in indigenous spirituality in the ways of his people, he then trained with a traditional French perfumer to learn how to layer the smell-elements in the creation of the smudge. I personally think that is why this has the most complex and sophisticated smell from all the liquid smudges out there. There are many liquid smudges on the market but I have found the authenticity and the blending of the many herbs, plants, and trees in this one to be not only very effective at moving energy, but also the most pleasant smelling. I spray it on sometimes like tree perfume! When choosing sizes, think of how, where and for what you would like to use it to determine how much you will need and how quickly you will use it up. Often only one spritz will do the job, but if you use it often consider the better value larger sizes. If less often try a smaller size to start. It has a long, long shelf life so no worries- you will use it up long before it fades!

It comes in five sizes/msrp prices for ordering. The hst has been included in the price:

  • Toilette size 5ml- $5
  • Travel size 15ml- $22
  • Personal size 29 ml- $29
  • Professional size 120ml- $113

Pick one up in class or during a session with me. (Please bring exact change.) Any questions, click here.

Daylight Sky Lamp

Fighting off the winter blues? This day light lamp is awesome for regaining energy, feeling chipper, and ending the carb cravings associated with S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder) that messes up the hormones and leads to depression and weight gain. I got one last year and was shocked at how big a difference it made. I bought more this year to distribute before the winter blues hit like a dark snowstorm. This lamp regularly sells for $200+. I am really happy to offer it at the super-fab price of $128+hst. ONLY 2 LEFT at this great price! 


Aromatherapy Ultrasonic Diffuser

This is the coolest! In case you want to mix up your own batch of air purifying essential oils, the best way to diffuse the sweet smell of e.o.s is with an ultrasonic diffuser. It doesn't burn the oil like most diffusers. Instead it comes out as a cool mist of plant goodness. Here it is pictured in its blue light mode, but you can turn off the light altogether or let it cycle through the rainbow or pick one colour you like and keep it on that. This makes it perfect for a night light, kid's light , a humidifier, and a mood lamp with healthy essential oils instead of icky scented candles. I searched and finally found one that was the lowest price at the best quality. We use them in the IC studio all the time and love it! I have seen this selling for as much as $90+! Pick one up at your next workshop or drop-in class for $55+hst. Awesome present!

White Sage Smudge & Sweetgrass braids:

After years of being asked whether I carry these, I finally found a lovely company in New Mexico that supplies me with real white sage smudges and sweet grass braids.

DIY Smudge Kit

White sage smudges, like the liquid smudge above, are great for energetically cleaning people and places.  The difference is these are a super cost-effective alternative to liquid smudge if you don't mind smoke and the lingering smell. Each stick will likely last you a long, long time. It takes very little being lit to produce great white plumes of smoke.Extinguish quickly in sand or douse with water before you set off the fire alarms! 

We have gotten so many requests from people who are interested in smudging for instructions on how to smudge that we finally created a three page instruction manual on how to smudge people, places, and yourself. But value added! We are still offering it for the same low price of $12+hst. Best value in the city! ONLY 3 LEFT!

Sweetgrass Braids

Sweetgrass braids have a milder, sweeter smell that is good for blessings and gentle energy invocations. It does not stay lit for long so it lasts long. Sweetgrass braid (29-33 inch long)- $12+hst included. Pick up either in class or during a session with me. (Please bring exact change.) SOLD OUT! 


Karma Chairs:

Best seat at a workshop goes to Karma Chairs, the cushioned ground seating with adjustable back support. I love them so much I finally have them available for people who want to be comfortable at workshops or meditating. With care they should last for years. $43+hst ONLY 1 LEFT!


"Love" this necklace! Jewelery as invocation; wear it to remind you what it's all about. Cara Accessories NYC. Silver colour, 18" with 3" extender. $18+hst 





*Compared prices to major retailers and generally my prices are at least 10% cheaper and as much as 35% cheaper! Part of my commitment to value.